
Ministry with Children





Tuesdays 9:30am

(during school term)


Please check back in Term 2

A  fun group for parents or primary care givers to enjoy together with their young child. Our morning involves stories, songs, craft, play and learning about God.
Where: 52 Mount St (Burnie Anglican)
Cost: $2 donation per session
New Families: Can register on the day
Morning Tea: Please BYO food for children. Tea and coffee will be available for adults (we encourage people to bring a keep cup).
We ask that families stay home if unwell and participate in good hygiene practices throughout the morning.

Mini Makers            

Fridays 3:30 – 5pm

           (Currently not running)


Please check back in Term 2

Mini Makers is a kids club for primary aged children (Prep-Grade 6). It runs on Friday afternoons during school term from 3:30 to 5pm. Each week we play fun games, hear from the Bible and make an awesome STEM based activity. We also like to eat a great afternoon tea, and make new friends by getting to know each other.

The cost is $20 per term, with a maximum cost of $40 per family. Parents are welcome to drop kids off, but are also welcome to help kids settle in if needed.
Please register your interest by emailing Places are limited, to ensure we maintain Childsafe ratios.



 KLT (Kids Learning Time)

9am Sunday Service

(during school term)

Resuming on February 9th!

We are committed to the discipleship and participation of children and youth. Kids Learning Time engages the children in age-appropriate and interactive activities and teaching during the adult teaching time. At other times we share worship together as a community of all ages. KLT caters from birth to 12 years old, in support of the discipling and teaching that parents are doing in the home.
All our children’s ministries require a completed registration form. You can fill out our rego form here
Or scan the QR code below

Under the Safe Church Communities program of the Anglican Diocese of Tasmania, all involved in ministry with children & youth
have been through Childsafe training  
& hold a Tasmanian Working with Vulnerable People Card.  
For further information on our diocesan commitment to safety, click here