Read With Me


Read The Bible With Me

Sometimes it just helps to read through the Bible with someone else. If you would like to casually meet up with another person to read the Bible, we want to help. 

Reading the Bible doesn’t have to be confronting, it can be as simple as reading from the beginning of a book to the end, and just chatting about what you read. 

Sue Willis is available to meet with you to read the Bible. Whatever background you have: whether this is the first time you will open the Bible, whether you are a Bible-reading veteran, or whether you are somewhere in between, it would be great to read the Bible with you. 


Question: Who is this good for?

Answer: The short answer is anyone and everyone. 


The Long answer is:

  • Someone who wants to find out more about Christianity,

  • Someone who wants to get into the habit of reading the Bible more,

  • Someone who wants to be stretched in their understanding of the Bible,

  • Someone who wants a great reason to meet with someone else,

  • Someone who is skeptical of the Bible, but has an open mind,

  • Someone who has questions for the Bible to answer,

  • Someone like you, 

Solo Reading Plans

If you are looking for some reading plans to do by yourself, please check out our various Bible reading plans here