Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care
Prayer undergirds all we do and is expressed in a range of ways – in the lives of individuals and our small groups, through telephone prayer chains and via email, in gatherings prior to and during services, at a monthly prayer meeting and in personal ministry. If you are seeking prayer for some need in your life, please do not hesitate to ask.
In the Anglican Church we baptise both the children of Christian believers and unbaptised people who have come to faith later in life. We also conduct thanksgiving services for the birth of children where parents do not feel ready to make the promises involved in the baptism service. We welcome the opportunity to meet with people as consider these matters.
Our ordained ministers are authorised by the Anglican Diocese of Tasmania and licensed by the Australian government to officiate at weddings, either in the church or at some other venue. Please make an appointment with us if you wish to make arrangements to be made in the church or by one of our ministers.
Our ordained ministers are available to officiate at funeral services, either in the church, at a funeral home or some other venue. You may contact us directly or through the funeral director whose services you will be using.